Tap tap tap… Is this thing on?
I missed you. It has been a long while and I haven’t even the foggiest how to begin catching up. So, as someone once posted, we shall this time be condiment(ketchup)-less.
Not, though, to say that I have nothing to “ketchup” about. I’m rarely knitting, complaining hands and all. I would like to be knitting and I’m told maybe trying something with bigger needles than socks prefer might help. But one must move forward, so enter the looming of the looms with their different hand motions.
No one told me most people don’t have to keep trying out new looms the way one tries out new needles, to find the very best suited… We may have a few more looms about than I often admit to, though the number is now intended to be decreasing as I think, I think, the stable is somewhat stabilized. (As of last week? Or is that next week?)
Order of ketchup-ness (did you know that ketchup used to be white, not red… How is that possible, when were tomatoes not red? I digress…) State of the looms:
- There is a Toika (Eeva) upstairs waiting to be assembled. Well. Partially, as the frame has already been framed. Still waiting are: the brain (if it only had a…), shafts of 32-ish-ness and appropriate cordage for each, and sectional rails for two warp beams. Oh, and a test run, which means a warp would be handy;
- There is a Toika (Eeva) upstairs waiting to be assembled. Not seeing double. This was the loom that used to live where the loom in bullet the first is now residing. And this one really is disassembled — someday parts will come together, but for now this loom lives in the bedroom (gables) and the library room (sticks) and the living room (more sticks) and the studio (wedges and other small parts). Poor thing is probably quite confused;
- There is a Toika downstairs in the living room that is now mostly assembled. This one is a Maria. Have you heard of a Toika Maria? Nor had I, but now one lives with me. Admittedly, it is actually labeled Toijalan Kaidetehdas, but that is the moniker that ultimately became Toika, yes? This one is a rug/tapestry loom and I am so chuffed that it now lives here…
Admittedly, it will probably be happier when the warp is warped and once I order springs with which to suspend the beater. (Chains, not yet shown, work for now, but the beater is effectively only functioning as a reed holder. Safe, but immovable.);
- The Fireside jack loom has been moved to its hopeful home space next to Maria. I am determined to run one more warp with it, towels probably, to test if it is more comfortable to weave with if I have a more appropriately arranged bench height. I expect that the Fireside bench with commuter seat and park bench top is too tall for me (perhaps that is why its previous owner rarely wove with it —remind me to tell you about that sometime, the loom has a cool history). This loom is so pretty, I want to like weaving with it, I want to so very much…;
- Yet remaining is to clear space for the next addition. Just as we were planning out Maria assembly, a friend texted that there was a Fireside cantilever tapestry loom listed for sale. In spite of hunting and wishing and hoping (oh my…), I had not really expected to ever luck into having one, they move from sale to sold so very quickly. Steven also moved quickly in this case, and I’m very excited that this one is now sold and hopefully will be here in a little over a week. Crossed fingers that it makes it here soundly — we’ve had good luck with shipped looms so far, but waiting until is always such a worrying event;
- Which leaves the one that’s been partially assembled in the attic studio for about a year(?) now, the Ulla Cyrus (plus the two Cyrii<sp?> in stasis ahem-I-mean stick form and hiding in the storeroom). We are hoping to add electric, finish window frames and ceilings, and install a slop sink for dye space use in the attic, which will, I hope, allow the space to be used year round. (Attic is to have the dye space and fiber processing, as well as this Cyrus and the Toika that is awaiting reassembly.).
Hello ! i am based in Australia and have purchased a very similar loom of same age. I have had trouble finding images of this type of loom to work out the missing parts. I also do not have springs and have been trying to identify the correct ones. I would appreciate any information on the type of spring and where to purchase. You also mention chains. Do you have any images of these at all ? Thanks and regards